Friday, January 7, 2011

Time for a facelift

Nearly 25 years ago I built a mountain range on my then 4x8 layout by adding an addition 1' running the length of it making it 5'x8'. This mountain range served its purpose it added some variety to the layout and gave me place to have a couple of tunnels. At the time I was using Lichen for trees and shrubs and that worked fine. Then in 2003 when I added on to my layout and my skills increased I started making Bottlebrsh trees. They looked good, but there was a problem over time they started to lean because of the hardshell methods I was using. Fast forward to May of 2010 I bought a bunch of railroad stuff from a distant relative and included in this lot was a Woodland Scenics Hot foam cutter as well as a sheet of 2" foam. Shortly before Christmas I finally decided it was time to remove the old mountain and create a new mountain, one that would incorporate a water tank I purchased and a Mine. Well the mountian is done and here are a few pics showing the before and after

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